Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Happy New Year!

We have had a great start to 2012 and we are HALF WAY to being THIRD graders! I can't believe it! We have welcomed a new friend, Julian, to our crew and we are very excited to have him at Dean Road.

We have several birthdays in January....Amber, Jana, Parker, and India! Happy Birthday to you!

Our class has already worked very hard on subtracting double digits with regrouping and writing! We LOVE to write complete sentences and to use great punctuation. The students have helped ring in the new year by writing about things that they hope to accomplish during 2012.

Famous Americans are on our minds. The class is learning to make PowerPoint presentations to showcase what they have learned about a famous American of their choosing. I know they will turn out great!

Stay tuned for more!

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